Don't Move (itch) Mac OS

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Don't Move is a game about ninjas, failure, ludonarrative dissonance, and player investment manipulation. The game starts simply: move left or right. But as you try -- and as you fail -- to move, you unlock more of the game's mechanisms. With each new element comes new challenges and more rewards!

Don't Move is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and comes with the extended soundtrack with original artwork and secret tracks!

SUPER INCREDIBLE BONUS: Buy Don't Move for full retail console game price ($60 USD) and get the special ROGUELIKE EDITION.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
Release date Sep 13, 2013
Tagsclassic, failure, Ninja, platform
Average sessionA few minutes
LinksHomepage, Soundtrack, Twitter


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Long, long, looooooong time ago things were simple, as simple as a rock. Boulders, menhirs, monoliths and even handfuls of pebbles were the bread and butter of simple people (way before the invention of bread or butter). Humans lived and died by the rock, as went the old saying 'Rock to rock, rubble to rubble'.

BARBAROCK is a faithful reenactment of how minor disputes and quarrels were solved during those rough times (guts and screams of agony included!). So, grab a friend, pick up those controllers and learn some damn history!

Don't Move (itch) Mac Os Update


The demo seems phenomenal already, totally will grab this once it's available. Also, just fyi probably already aware, but: Pretty heavy lagginess when first loading on a 1080 GTX, Win10 x64, windowed mode with Gsync on a 144hz monitor. Oh hey, I see an open source art program project, I follow, simple man here. This program has some good ideas like the double tool concept which is pretty damn handy and the animation/layer UI similar to aseprite that is very good, but lacks very basic things for a pixel art program, such as a color selection map, shape tools and commonly overlooked but very important whole number zoom. ★ Attack on Toys is a Free Game and will always be, so everyone always has an option to get Attack on Toys fully for Free here on The STEAM® and Game version is exactly the same. STEAM® version will utilize STEAM® platform features like Save Cloud, Achievements, Trading Cards, Workshop, and more in the future. However that's not enough for current Mac OS. This game is not notarized (Lord only knows I tried hard to achieve this, to no avail) - and newest Mac OS will probably stop this app from running. Linux: Guys, I'll be honest. I don't know what I'm doing here. I'm just following official GMS2 guidelines for Linux builds and that's all.



The rock must become the extension of your body; you must be one with the boulder! Splendid rolls and glorious dashes are difficult to handle, but after the initial learning phase they should become easy to master. How to go through this process as smoothly as possible?

  1. Don't move. Start with the 'Dive Kick' technique: jump [x], rotate to aim the rock at your opponent's head [L1/R1 or □/○], then dash [x] to smash his skull to little pieces.
  2. Start rolling [left analog stick] to evade your foe and to position yourself for better aimed attacks. Remember: you can gain the highest acceleration if you stay perpendicular to the ground. Ground? Ha! If you use this technique you can roll your rock anywhere; even on the wall and on the ceiling!
  3. Try dodging your opponent's attacks. While being attacked, rotate so that your body lies parallel to the ground. This way your head will be safe and your opponent will most probably hit your rock instead.
  4. Do what you can to get a hang of the mid-air rotation. While jumping, rotate constantly [hold L/R or □/○] and estimate your safe landings. This can be tricky on some of the arenas, but after a dozen or so unfortunate landings you should be able to precisely control your rock and body.
PlatformsWindows, macOS


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Don't Move (itch) Mac Os Catalina


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