Path To Mnemosyne (itch) Mac OS

Ren'Py has been used to create over 1,500 visual novels, games, and other works. You can find them at the official Ren'Py Games List, and the list of Games made with Ren'Py on Here are just a few of the games made with Ren'Py. A Letter of Challenge uses Ren'Py's persistent data to be a game that needs to be played more than once. Find games for macOS like Friday Night Funkin', Cold Shot, Wrong Floor, Deepest Sword, Dying of Thirst on, the indie game hosting marketplace. Let's say '/serato-itch-sync' on Mac OS, or 'C:serato-itch-sync' on Windows. Second, you need to create the file with settings called '' in the same directory with the following contents (of course, replacing the paths to your libraries).

  1. GENERIC ASTEROID GAME. This is an enhanced port for PC,MAC & LINUX of my existing Android game. Navigate through an endless and curiously ever-changing stream of asteroids in Version 1 of this experimental and highly randomised, but stubbornly generic asteroids game.
  2. You need to use the command echo $PATH to display the PATH variable or you can just execute set or env to display all of your environment variables. By typing $PATH you tried to run your PATH variable.

A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Deep underground, a government science facility lies dormant and abandoned. But when a man wakes up from being held in stasis, he must face whatever technological horrors caused the facility to shut itself off from the surface, and make it out alive.

In this first person exploration game, you will find audio cassettes left by the scientists who once operated the establishment. Use the clues you can find to get out alive.

Made in two months for the Haunted PS1 Game Jam!

Time to beat: 15-25 minutes.

PlatformsWindows, macOS
Tagshauntedps1, Horror, Low-poly, Pixel Art, Unity
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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Hi, i ve just played take a survey and am about to play this aswell and i want to say that the horror games you make here seem really cool keep it up man!

I am starting a YouTube channel based around playing indie horror games, and this was one of the first! You can find my video here:

I am a game developer, so I understand how important it is to get critical feedback from players, no matter how experienced you are. So feel free to take a look at my notes and opinions below!

This was honestly a really cool experience! I liked the atmosphere and overall idea of the game. The T.V. monster however, was unfortunately just not scary. I don't think this game benefited from having a 'final boss' style monster.

I found that I was mostly scared during the early stages of the game when simple scares were happening. The Future Pizza was a fun little addition but I wish that it contributed more to the gameplay. It would have been fun to have some more interaction with the Future Pizza!

After you turn on the first set of lights on, I feel like the game really calmed down and lacked any future scare factor. Turning on the lights and keeping them on really seemed to make the environment way too friendly and feel way too safe.

After I had turned on most of the lights, I started to forget that I was playing a horror game right up until the ending.

I didn't really like the ending. There were a few good scares leading up to the ending, but then a dude with a T.V. for a head locked my mouse and kept killing me for seemingly no reason. It didn't seem like a feature. I noticed that other people were commenting about the mouse locking, but once I found out that it was a feature and not a bug, I was a bit more disappointed. I still managed to get to the end, but I felt like I had to find a way to cheat the system to have a chance at winning.

Path To Mnemosyne (itch) Mac OS

The camera locking mechanic just didn't make sense, and the fact that he can lock onto you through walls just made the experience feel more buggy. Thankfully, it was still possible.

I honestly loved the way you did the credits. Riding up the elevator to safety while the credits roll by looked incredible.

Of course, most of my criticism seems negative, but don't get me wrong, this was a great experience! I loved the atmosphere especially in the beginning. The whole way through I felt a sense of progression despite the open-world feel of the game. The facility's layout (although it didn't make much sense) was great and I never got lost.

Of course there may have been some technical issues like lack of optimization due to the overwhelming amount of lighting that needed to be processed as the game went on, but these are polish details that I would never expect from a game jam game!

Overall, great job! This is really impressive and expansive for a game jam! It was a great little addition to my list of indie horror games!

Thanks for all the great feedback! Honestly, the mouse locking thing had a lot of difficult decisions behind it. I considered making it not lock when he’s behind a wall, which was easily implemented, but then the issue became: “How do I snap the player’s vision back to locked when it’s no longer behind a wall?” If it only became locked the moment you looked at it, then it would be too easy for the player to just not look at the monster and run to the elevator. So I designed the level in a way where the entire gimmick is that you have to walk backwards to the elevator. I had to make sure the path to it wasn’t too complex.

But at the end of the day, it was my first real 3d game. It has tons of other flaws, such as optimization issues and bugs, but I learned a ton through it, and through my mistakes. I’m glad you enjoyed it for what it is!

hey buddy great game looks good but needs optimization the fps are low will it have an update?

Thanks! I'm sorry to say I have not planned to update the game. I'm aware of many of the optimization issues, I've learned a lot more about making games with Unity since then. If I were to do anything relating to it at all, it would be remaking the game from the ground up lol.

Thanks for the feedback!

i cant find out what platform to download this on. more details are when i download it and check files it doesn't show where to click to play the game

Path To Mnemosyne (itch) Mac Os Catalina

1. Download the game for your platform (if you have Windows, download the PC version, if you have Mac OS X, download the Mac version).

2. (If you have a Mac, you can skip to step 3) Make sure you have WinRAR, 7-Zip, or a similar archive software installed.

3. Open up the .zip file.

4. Now either drag-and-drop or extract the folder inside anywhere you want.

5. Finally, run the .exe file called, 'The Notzing Project (1.0)'.

Then in that case you have a modified version of Linux. This means that in order to play this game you either need to:

(a) Install a Virtual Machine and have it run Windows/Mac.

(b) Use a bunch of third-party programs that allow you to run Windows/Mac programs. Just Google, 'how to install windows games on chromebook' and you'll find dozens of options.

(c) Beg the developer to create a version for Chrome OS.

i need help, i am on a Dell laptop and i can't find out how to actually play this stuff. Can you guys help me?

Its a really great game. Just I have one question: can we access our save file(s) and if so where is it located?

It was really short, i really enjoted it while it lasted. Nice graphics, i didn't see a lot of story, too short. Good game!

The TV guy didn't even appear for me at the end.

I just flipped the last switch before pressing the button. After that I just walked straight to the lift.

Thanks for letting me know! I've seen this happen to a YouTuber as well, and I honestly have no clue what causes it. I don't really have any plans to update the game right now, but if I end up figuring out what causes this bug, I will definitely wrap it up with a few other fixes and update it.

Thank you!

Great game, I did a speedrun of it

Thanks for playing my game, along with all the other great jam games!

Funnily enough, the camera 'bug' isn't a bug at all. In fact, the other people who have played my game encountered a bug that made it NOT happen! The TV has the power of hypnotism, so once it locks onto you, you cannot look away. The challenge is making sure you know how to get back to the elevator while being chased down.

As for the other issues, there are graphics options in the settings menu. The control issues you had are due to having the graphics options set too high, which causes lag and input stuttering. In the event that you set them in the main menu but they didn't work in game, they likely got reset upon loading the game, and you simply have to change them from within the game (this would be a bug I'm aware of, but cannot update due to the nature of the Game Jam). Other people have had a similar issue, some much worse than what you experienced.

Like you said at the start, it's my first attempt at horror, AND practically my first attempt at using Unity 3D. It was all a learning process, so I'm just surprised it turned out as decent as it did!

Thank you again,
- PixelDough :)

Made a video

Cool Game very uncomfortable environment :D

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A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

A young boy gets a job in a new city by the sea at his uncle's big business, goes to live in a big house with his uncle, aunt and cousin. Spend your days meeting women between the beach and work, discovers the secret project that his uncle is working on and meets the girl from the your dreams.

My Patreon >> Snarkmultimedia Patreon
NOTE: Now you need to click arrows, doors and buildings to move around


this update focused more on fixing bugs and adding stability to the game, memory used by the game dropped from 400Mb to just over 60Mb,

we changed the system to give the player more freedom of exploration(that only took me weeks)

we changed some zones and added new zones like the motel room

2 new characters are presented Some elements of the story have been changed,

new title design

what to expect in the version 0.19:
I want to improve the entertaining scenes with the characters, like the massage scene Add secondary missions
add the first interactive sex scene

Updated 6 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
GenreVisual Novel
Tags2D, Adult, aunt, Hentai, milf
Average sessionAbout an hour
LanguagesEnglish, Spanish; Castilian, Portuguese (Portugal)


Path To Mnemosyne Walkthrough

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Development log

  • fix android version 0.18
    19 days ago
  • ​version 0.17
    40 days ago
  • draft of a new character
    73 days ago
  • version 0.16 is out !!
    97 days ago

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the apk is corrupted downloaded it 3 times, last time i watched it download

this game is very promising but the volleyball game gets stuck, and the walking from place to place in my opinion is extremely repetitive. keep up the good work tho, i think this game could get pretty good.

thanks man, people don't imagine the important is for me that people leave their opinion about the game, this will help me to improve it, I had already thought about eliminating the character moving on the map but I wasn’t sure.

The overhead map is useful as is, but simply highlighting the clickable areas to 'walk' to might be more simplified and standardized for most people who tend towards visual novels. One of the areas in particular that I currently find flustrating is the forest. It could be useful in the future for multiple event locations, but I can't be sure if I'm hitting the correct spot for any event without highlighting.

It's not that I'm suggesting to not experiment, you might hit on something interesting. I've found a number of elements that you've done differently than I've found elsewhere that has gave the game a unique charm to it.

thanks man, in the florest area nothing happens yet, the overhead map is likely for me to add it, I will add secundary missions on the next version to create more things to do, gamedev has a lot of that feeling that the mechanics of the game make sense and are intuitive enough, I’m trying to make the game a little different from the rest, but I don’t want it to be so different that it keeps players away.

I tried the android version, heres what i have to say :

The choices arent in english, and the minigames is unplayable.

I love the story and the characters tho

thanks for playing man I have fix the minigame for android and the choices problem for the next version 0.16

Windows version; language is English, but all my choices are in Spanish.

thats and error I will fix on the next update, next month thanks for letting me know

thanks man, does it give any error? the true is I just compile to mac and wait for somemone with a real mac to tell me if is working, I will try fix that on the next release that will be on 2 weeks

it say..

Error: couldn't load project data at path ',', is the .pck file missing? if you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension)

literally what it says when i try load it

thanks I will look in to that, its a bit conplicated since I dont have a mac but i will find a way to test the next release on mac

Black screen on day 9.

SCRIPT ERROR: _ready: Invalid get index 'dados_inicio_jogo' (on base: 'Nil').
At: res://cenarios/fim/fim.gdc:8

thanks, it was on windows, android, linux or mac os ?

Windows. I can't go beyond this error.

I love the game, btw. You're doing well.

thanks man really, this gives me strength to continue to improve the game, v0.15 will have more story more gameplay elements, and more characters

I do have a question about the gameplay. When I do something that I think will get a positive reaction, it seems to get a negative. Unhappy faces, not happy faces. Am I misunderstanding something?

depends on the character, over time you will understand what kind of answers each one likes, this version(v0.1) doesn’t have enough game time to get to know the characters well,·View all by Snark·Report·Embed·