PsychProject Mac OS

The good news is that this is an easy task on Mac OS. What are Environment Variables? Environment variables are global system variables accessible by all the processes/users running under the Operating System (OS), such as Windows, macOS and Linux. Environment variables are useful to store system-wide values, for examples. This research addresses the problem of how to help lecturers in Professional courses feel comfortable creating learning opportunities in VWs. Research until now has tended to consist of an academic version of “show and tell” and deep and interesting. Ralph E. Lifelong educator: PK-16 administrator, counselor, faculty: online & F2F; certified trainer, business, author, completing certification for biblical.

This document is for developers only. We provide easy installers for end-users.

Open-source software is a collaborative effort. Please inform us if anything on this page is incorrect or out of date.

The main development guide is located here.

  • 1Building TotalRecall from source

Building TotalRecall from source

Compiling TotalRecall for use on your own computer is designed to be very easy. The following instructions have been tested on recent versions of the operating systems described. To see which exact compilers and buildtool versions we used, see the build.xml file in the project.

Fair warning: these instructions are only for getting the program running on your computer, not for packaging things into nice standalone applications/installers. So they do involve moving our shared libraries into system paths (`/usr/lib`, `C:WindowsSystem32`, and `C:WindowsSysWow64`). Don't forget they're there if you edit the source code and want to try out your changes.


  • Install JDK 6

  • Install Apache Ant

Psychproject Mac Os 11

  • Install Git (skip if you don't plan to build version straight out of repository)

  • Install development headers for foreign architecture

  • Download a nightly version of the project source from the program homepage or get it straight out of the repository

  • Compile/install the native libraries

  • Compile the Java portion into a jar

  • Run the program

Mac OS X

  • Install XCode developer tools. These come on your OSX installation disc. You can also download them from Apple after registering.
  • Install Git using this installer (skip if you don't plan to build version straight out of repository)
  • Download a nightly version of the project source from the program homepage or get it straight out of the repository

  • Compile/install the native libraries

  • Compile the Java portion into a jar

  • Run the program


  • Install JDK 6. Add the Java bin folder to your Path so it can be used from the command line. For example you might add `C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_20bin` to the Path value.
  • Install Git using the msysgit installer (skip if you don't plan to build version straight out of repository). During the installation be sure to select Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt.
  • Install Apache Ant. On Windows XP drag the unzipped folder to `C:Program Files`. On Windows Vista7 64-bit drag to `C:Program Files (x86)`. Now add the Ant bin folder to your Path variable so it can be used from the command line. For example, you might add `C:Program Files (x86)apache-ant-1.8.0bin`.
  • Try running the command `ant` from the command line. It should succeed if you set your Path correctly. If you get a warning about being unable to find tools.jar you will have to create a system variable called `JAVA_HOME` which points to your JDK root directory. For example the value might be `C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_20`.
  • Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Add the vcpackages folder to your Path so it can be used from the command line. For example, you might add `C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0VCvcpackages`.
  • Open the Windows command prompt as an administrator. This is the default behavior on Windows XP administrator accounts, but not Vista/7.
  • Download a nightly version of the project source from the program homepage or get it straight out of the repository

  • Compile/install the native libraries

  • Compile the Java portion into a jar

  • Run the program

The full build chain

Our build.xml does some fancy stuff like creating native executables and installers for the supported platforms. Read the documentation in build.xml to find out how. This native integration allows us (with the help of a few tricks) to avoid complex installers that tamper with users' shared libraries.

Retrieved from ''
Developer(s)Solosoft, Claris
Initial release1984
Final release
Pro 1.5 / 1993
Operating systemSystem Software 6, System 7
TypeProject management software

MacProject was a project management and scheduling business application released along with the first Apple Macintosh systems in 1984. MacProject was one of the first major business tools for the Macintosh which enabled users to calculate the 'critical path' to completion and estimate costs in money and time. If a project deadline was missed or if available resources changed, MacProject recalculated everything automatically.

MacProject was written by Debra Willrett at Solosoft, and was published and distributed by Apple Computer to promote the original Macintosh personal computer. It was developed from an earlier application written by Debra Willrett for Apple's Lisa computer, LisaProject. This was the first graphical user interface (GUI) for project management. There were many other project management applications on the market at the time, but LisaProject was the first to simplify the process by allowing the user to interactively draw their project on the computer in the form of a PERT chart. Constraints could be entered for each task, and the relationships between tasks would show which ones had to be completed before a task could begin. Given the task constraints and relationships, a 'critical path', schedule and budget could be calculated dynamically using heuristic methods.

One of the early proponents of MacProject was James Halcomb, a well known expert in the use of the Critical Path Method. Having supervised hand-drawn network diagrams for countless complex projects, Halcomb immediately recognized the promise of the WYSIWYG graphical interface and computerized calculation of the critical path. Using a Lisa computer housed in a case designed to fit under an airplane seat, Mr. Halcomb traveled the United States demonstrating this new technology in his CPM courses. In consultation with the software's developers he authored the book Planning Big with MacProject, which introduced a generation of Mac users to PERT and CPM.

In December 1987, an updated version of MacProject, called MacProject II, was introduced as a part of Claris's move to update its suite of Mac office applications.

In 1991, Microsoft Project was ported to the Macintosh from Microsoft Windows and became MacProject's main competitor. However, after the release of version 3.0 of Microsoft Project in 1993, Microsoft terminated support of the Macintosh release.

MacProject 1.0 is not Y2K-compliant as it cannot schedule tasks past 1999.

See also[edit]

Psychproject Mac Os X


External links[edit]

Retrieved from ''