Santa Claus And The Cats And The Bad Guys Mac OS

  1. Fifty years haven't dimmed the thrill of those moments spent shivering, beside my Grandma, in Bobby Decker's bushes. That night, I realized that those awful rumors about Santa Claus were just what Grandma said they were - ridiculous. Santa was alive and well, and we were on his team. I still have the Bible, with the coat tag tucked inside: $19.95.
  2. Tim Allen has been in the news quite a bit lately, mostly over the cancellation of his ABC show, Last Man Standing, but now, the 64-year old has shared a funny story from the set of Disney's The.
  3. But both of them are cats! And so are the dressmaker and the prince. There are also mice as the Tailor Cat's assistants and horse. There are two collectibles, puzzle pieces and Santa Claus/dwarf (?) statuettes; achievements that span over the bonus game and the Secret Room (It's unlocked after you finish the bonus game.
  1. Santa Claus And The Cats And The Bad Guys Mac Os X
  2. Santa Claus And The Cats And The Bad Guys Mac Os 11
  3. Santa Claus And The Cats And The Bad Guys Mac Os Download

The production is cheap, acting is bad, and story is uninteresting. The Santa Claus character is not really likable and there is no magic about him. The premise of the movie is that Santa is allergic to cats and has pretty much every common allergy. The story takes place 95% in one house and the block around. But he was not Santa Claus, and he arrived earlier – on the 6th of December. His usual, less friendly escort went by different names in different places: “Belsnickle,” “Niglo,” “Pelznickel,” and others. Santa Claus or Father Christmas is a more recent tradition.

'Santa Claus and the Surveillance State'

He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows when you’re awake.

He’s everywhere.

And that’s the whole point of the Elf on the Shelf, the bright-eyed, Kewpie-esque doll that millions of parents display around their homes in December as a reminder to children to behave. The elf, the story goes, is an agent reporting back to Santa Claus, and he’s tasked with documenting any seasonal misdeeds for his jolly boss.

The elf also, a new paper argues, promotes acceptance of a surveillance state. An excerpt from co-authors Laura Pinto and Selena Nemorin:

Children…may not touch the doll, and they must accept that the doll watches them at all times with the purpose of reporting to Santa Claus. This is different from more conventional play with dolls, where children create play-worlds born of their imagination, moving dolls and determining interactions with other people and other dolls.

Instead, the elf encourages children “to accept or even seek out external observation of their actions outside of their caregivers and familial structures.”

Also, this.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Posted on December 25, 2014 at 6:21 AM • 32 Comments

I try to teach the teens in my church to search for the spiritual message of any given entertainment venue. We’ll usually attempt to watch a movie about every month and then talk about what the message is. Whether it’s Jesus being “hidden” by Batman’s sacrifice to cover up the misdeeds of a villain in Dark Knight or talking about the nature of love based on Twilight, there are spiritual messages everywhere – good and bad.

And then we come to Futurama.

Futurama is a cartoon series that focuses on a man accidentally cryogenically frozen in the year 1999 (well, he fell into the cryogenic unit right as the countdown for 2000 hit zero, so you could say he fell in right at the flip into the big round number). He gets thawed out a thousand years later. Hijinks ensue.

It’s a series my wife and I enjoy. We’re actually rewatching the series now, about an episode every weeknight. Every time we’ve come to the holiday episodes, though, I’m struck by how clearly the show exhibits the opinio legis.

What? You’ve never heard of the opinio legis? You have one, though it’s a term usually reserved by theologians. Let me allow a smarter man than I to explain:

“All people by nature come into this world with the attitude that they can do something to secure their salvation. We call this idea the opinion of the law (opinio legis). Thus, throughout history we see that people have rejected the biblical teaching that we are saved by grace alone. They have either taught that “I am saved by me alone” or “Jesus and me equal salvation,” or they have limited God’s grace to a select few.” (Lyle Lange, God So Loved the World, pg. 232-3)

So, how does the geeky sci-fi animation Futurama exhibit the doctrine that says we do something to earn our salvation?

Enter: Santa Claus.

You see, in the world of Futurama, someone tried to make a Santa Claus robot to hand out toys to good children around the worlds. The only problem? In the esteemed words of Prof. Wikipedia: “Unfortunately, due to a programming error, the jolly robotic saint soon turns into a mad murderer when his standards are set too high and he will kill anyone who has been naughty.”

Santa Claus And The Cats And The Bad Guys Mac Os X

It’s a homicidal robot intent on punishing every last man, woman, and child every December 25th. Honestly, the episode where the main characters decide to take down the deadly fiend has some of the best music in the series. I laugh heartily every time I view it.

But here’s the thing: This version of Santa Claus actually believes the truth. It’s standards aren’t set too high. We don’t deserve toys on Christmas. We don’t deserve a jovial fat man delivering us treats. We do deserve the beating the Futurama version of Santa Claus seeks to give – and we deserve far worse.

By thinking that this Santa Claus is delusional, Futurama shows that it believes all people must have something good in them. We don’t deserve punishment. After all, we’re nice, not naughty! Santa Claus, bringing on the law, is the bad guy. The people who fight him to release the cosmos from his steely grip are the good guys.

And in that, we see some glimmer of hope.

We do need someone to release us from the law – but not because the law is bad. It’s because what the law says is true. We really are that bad. We do deserve punishment.

Santa claus and the cats and the bad guys mac os download

It’s a good thing that someone went to fight for us. He didn’t fight the law, though. He obeyed it. He didn’t attempt to take out the law so we could be free from it. He allowed the law to destroy him, instead. And as a result, we are free.

Santa Claus And The Cats And The Bad Guys Mac Os 11

Oh, and that guy’s alive. Maybe you’ve heard of him. He’s called Jesus.

Only in science fiction could we have a story like this, where an insane Santa Claus robot represents what the law truly says. (And only in science fiction could we have a human, a cyclops, and another robot team up with enslaved Neptunian elves to fight him.) It reveals something about us humans: we don’t like admitting how bad we are, and we’ll fight that idea to our dying breath – and we’ll mock the idea, too, turning it into a robotic harbinger of death that we can defeat.

Santa Claus And The Cats And The Bad Guys Mac Os Download

It’s a good thing that the Holy Spirit reveals the truth to us… so that we can see all the more clearly a Savior who truly does free us from sin.