1. Shapes (itch) (one Editor Games) Mac Os X
  2. Shapes (itch) (one Editor Games) Mac Os Catalina
  1. Mac OS X: tic80-v0.80-osx.dmg: 1.47MB: Android: tic80-v0.80-android.apk. EXPORT WITHOUT EDITORS. You can export your game only without editors, and then publish it to app stores (WIP) EXTRA EDITORS. I'm going to add random SFX generator and Piano mode for music (WIP). You can support developer's pants and future.
  2. I just played the game and it is absolutely AMAZING!! Love your logo, the effects and the game design, the game is very easy to play and looking forward to MORE games in the future. To the effort and HARD WORK that you put in.

Hello and welcome to our Mac OS news roundup #2. Christmas isn’t too far off and we’re all looking forward to the holidays, aren’t we? I’m especially curious about the new Mac OS related projects that are going to surface!

SCSI2Ethernet board

'Just Shapes & Beats' is a chaotic co-op musical bullet-hell based on three simple things: avoid Shapes, move to the kick-ass Beats, and die, repeatedly. It’s a new spin on the SHMUP genre, adding a layer of cooperation that’s at the core of the game: because everything is better with friends. Become a Virtual YouTuber! Important: VTube Studio has moved to Steam, including webcam support!! VTube Studio is now on Steam! VTube Studio will no longer be updated here. The game works with any version of Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The game works perfectly even on low end PCs specs; Game reviews: 'Pharaohs’ Curse (Gold) is a great puzzle-solving game that will offer you many hours of challenging game play. Its low system requirements make it accessible to just about anyone with a PC that can run Windows 95.

This is one exciting news! If you’re among the hordes lurking around ebay to find an affordable ethernet card for your Mac SE, this will get you excited too. Apparently Ronan Gaillard works on a SCSI2Ethernet board that could be the ultimate solution to all your retro Mac networking dreams. I’m looking forward to this project and hope we’ll see a commercially available version soon!


Jordan Mechner Book

If your Mac gaming experience was like mine – running Prince of Persia on a Macintosh LC, this might be interesting for you. Its programmer Jordan Mechner published a book that really reads like a diary about his days as a game developer for Katateka (Apple II) and Prince of Persia (1 & 2). The hard cover book makes a nice gift with many illustrations (albeit only in black & white).


Another new Mac OS game

In other news, when we talked about a new game release in our our news roundup #1 we had no idea we would soon again cheer another release. Tristam Island is a multi-platform Interactive Fiction game about a crashed plane and survival on an unknown island.

It’s released for a gazillion of systems and among them our beloved Mac OS as well. Price is 3.99$, a demo is available. Unfortunately, the game’s website is on, which only works on modern devices. Why no simple HTML download page?


Mac OS Cheat Emporium looking for help

The Cheat Emporium is looking for Mac OS gamers willing to help writing walkthroughs and hints for pre-OSX games in an effort to build the ultimate Mac OS cheats source. If you’re into retro Mac gaming, why not combine your passion and actually create something that’ll help others? Read more here. (Classilla compatible)

A modern CMS usable with OS9

So why don’t you use the holidays to set up a website on your old Power Mac? You could use SimpleCMS for your content management needs. The most recent build 3.3.16 still spares us today’s JavaScript overkill, thus remaining Classilla-compatible. So is their website. Yes – you can download – setup – and manage a whole CMS from your good ol’ Mac OS machine. I just tried! Just make sure to uncheck the (JavaScript-heavy) HTML-Editor in the settings.

URL: (Classilla compatible)

The rumor mill

Oh, you miss those rumors reported by LEM’s own Anne Onymous, do you? Good ‘ol Low End Mac rumor spreader! Well, how about these ones directly from Anne’s mouth: The long being on hiatus System 7 Today is supposedly making a comeback soon. Despite the 10 years in a vegetative state, it still is a respectable source for general info on System 7. Let’s cross fingers rumors are true!

What, you want more? Well, another rumor is that a talented developer is working on a new IRC-client for Mac OS. Wait, yes – we have plenty of them already. BUT – this one would not only be resource efficient and compatible enough to run from old 68k up to OS9 machines, it’d also support stuff like an IRC 2 Facebook bridge. Which would allow you to keep chatting with your Facebook friends while you’re on your SE/30. But, like I said, these are just rumors … 🙂

Hope you all have a very nice Christmas and happy holidays and see you next year for the Mac OS news roundup #3!

A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux


LabChirp is a powerful and versatile sound effect generator, useful for games, music, videos - anything you like!
A manual and some example sounds are included to get you started.

Works on Windows (requires .NET Framework 2.0) and other platforms (Linux, Mac) through Mono.

Main features:

  • Multiple channels: Up to eight individual channels. All or any element of a channel can be copied to another.
  • Modulation: For vibrato and tremolo (pulsating variation in pitch and volume).
  • Envelopes: To shape everything the way you want it.
  • Waveforms: Make your own custom waveforms, or use any of the standard ones (sine, triangle, sawtooth, square, noise).
  • Effects: Add cool post-effects to your sound.
  • Customizable randomizer: For the lazy sound designer.
  • Customizable mutator: To randomize your sound slightly.
  • Batch save: If you are in a hurry and need a lot of sounds fast.

Here is a demo in mp3 format showing all of the example sounds and some randomly generated sounds using different presets.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Release date Apr 24, 2011
Tags16-bit, 8-Bit, audio, effect, Generator, randomizer, sfx, sound, synth, wave
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Click download now to get access to the following files:

Development log

  • LabChirp 1.60!
    Dec 16, 2019

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I can't figure out how to get Mono to open this on the Mac. Using the terminal throws up a bunch of errors and it won't open in the Finder because it's not recognized as a application

This is awesome! I've been using CFXR (basically, SFXR for Mac) but it's 32-bit and 32-bit apps can't run on newer versions of Mac OS

This is better anyway. Has a lot more features and versatility

It's actually possible to package a Mono app for Mac OS so it's easier for Mac users to run. I think the developer should do it. I found this info here

macpack (Mac OS X only)

macpack is a tool that must be used to bundle Cocoa# applications into Double-Clickable, Finder friendly, bundles on Mac OS X. It bundles static libraries and resources, as well as generates a basic info.plist into the .app bundle.

For example the following commands are used to build the CurrencyConverter.exe into an application bundle:

The resulting is just another Mac OS X application as far as the Finder is concerned, and can be opened from Finder, or launched from Terminal using the open -a CurrencyConverter command.

Sorry, I can't help you with the 'bunch of errors' you get. I don't have a Mac, so I can't test LabChirp on Mac myself, but I know of a few people who have got it working through Mono. After installing Mono, all you should have to do is open a terminal and type mono LabChirp.exe (or the full path to LabChirp). For instance, on Linux I can open a terminal and type mono '/home/labbed/Downloads/LabChirp/LabChirp.exe' and it works. For convenience, you could create a terminal script for future use.

LabChirp is not a Mono application, or a Cocoa# application. It is a .NET application. So I don't think I can use macpack.

However, I've heard that .NET CORE has a lot better native compatibility with Mac (and Linux), so I might give that a try for a future release if it isn't too much of a hassle to migrate.

Thanks for responding. I will try .NET core because Mono just isn’t working. I wonder if other people are having the same problem as me. I’ll let you know if .NET core works

Were you able to get LabChirp up and running on OS X? I'm a Mac user, would love to have an executable file for sound design!

Nope! It was a lot of work and I couldn’t figure it out. I think the developer ought to create a guide

This tool is seriously awesome. I think its presets are better than sfxr. I am gonna use it in my games!

Why is this marked as Linux and Mac compatible? It only comes with an .exe file...

Because you can run it through Mono, and it works.

Alright, I checked and it does! Sweet! Although some note mentioning that would be helpful 🙂


I also updated Wine in my system from 4.0 to 5.0 and it works with Wine as well.

It is mentioned when you download it (under the 'Download and install instructions from Labbed' section) and also on my website download page ( However, it should probably be mentioned on the page as well! And perhaps in the manual.

I did not know it works with Wine! I've tried it before (several years ago) and it didn't work, which is why I tell people to use Mono. I will give it another try with the newest version and see how it works. Thanks for letting me know!

Good luck with your future game projects! And have a nice day!

It just occured to me that you could also make a '' sort of bash script that would simply execute 'mono LabChirp.exe'.

Then mark it as Linux executable in the manifest so the itch client app can start it for the user, as long as Mono is installed.

This is one of the most incredible things I have ever seen.

We just used this to create all the sounds for our Viroids game.

Many thanks, it's a great tool.

Awesome to see it here on itch!

Too bad it's still hacky for Linux/OSX users to use it.

Shapes (itch) (one Editor Games) Mac Os X

I can't figure out how to make it work on Mac either

Shapes (itch) (one Editor Games) Mac Os Catalina

Great piece of software, thank you for sharing it!