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  • Carsey Institute researchers are seeing links between the self-reported substance use and involvement in out-of-school activities. As part of a ten-year tracking survey of high school students in Coos County, New Hampshire, this brief finds that those most involved with constructive activities report the least amount of substance abuse.
  • The present study examined the relationship between the level of sensation seeking, early pregnancy, and criminal justice system involvement among Latino youth. It is a secondary analysis of data that comes from the Boricua Youth Study, an ongoing longitudinal study of Puerto Rican children and preadolescents living in the South Bronx and Puerto Rico.
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Doctor of Ministry Project/Theses

National Youth Congress on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Tweets by DDBgov. National Youth Congress on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Details Last Updated: 04 June 2013 7 5 1 8 4 3 8. NOTE: The latest versions of Adobe Reader do not support viewing PDF files within Firefox on Mac OS and if you are using a modern (Intel) Mac, there is no official.



Date of Award


Document Type


Primary Advisor

Houston Heflin

Secondary Advisor

Frederick D. Aquino


Committee Reader

Christopher L. Flanders


There seems to be a disconnect between the practice and scholars of youth ministry. Historically, the practice of youth ministry has been overly concerned with method, creating multiple approaches, each with its own inherent shortcomings. Responding to this overemphasis on method, scholars of youth ministry have argued for a more theological framework, assuming that the problem lies within a lack of theological education among youth ministry practitioners. In 2001 youth ministry scholarship made a case to place the field of youth ministry under the discipline of practical theology in hopes of grounding the practice of youth ministry in theology. Over the past twenty years, however, practical theology has failed to penetrate into the average youth ministry programs in North America, causing some to claim that the problem with practical theology in youth ministry is that it is not, in spite of its name, practical. Youth ministry scholars have failed to tap into the greatest resource practical theology has to offer: Practical theology as a way of life, which, in the case of youth ministry, is essentially adolescent spiritual formation. This project worked with a group of seasoned youth ministers to create a working document of shared wisdom by taking six principles of practical theology as a way of life and applying them as a type of filter for the scholarship and practice of youth ministry. This filter argues for a more holistic understanding of the purpose of practical theology in youth ministry scholarship and a more pragmatic use of practical theology by youth ministry practitioners.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Recommended Citation

Smith, Jeremy, 'Adolescent Spiritual Formation: Practical Theology as a Filter for Youth Ministry' (2020). Doctor of Ministry Project/Theses. 37.

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In the summer of 2014, a subset of leaders and stakeholders in Douglas County initiated a collective impact project to reform the county’s juvenile justice system. Since the first meeting of that group, a number of additional stakeholders have been incorporated into this initiative, which is now known as “Operation Youth Success.” Operation Youth Success, or OYS, has been engaged since that time in an effort to create system change producing a more effective, efficient, and compassionate justice system that better serves the families and youth who are the users of this system. This report will review the activities and progress of OYS through May of 2016.

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Recommended Citation

Miller, Jennifer L. and Spohn, Ryan E., 'Operation Youth Success (Douglas County Collective Impact) Developmental Evaluation Report' (2016). Reports. 15.


Since March 03, 2017

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